About Us

Our Promises

We strive to provide comprehensive support to both you and your parents/guardian, fostering a sense of confidence as you embark on this crucial educational journey. Our commitment is to ensure that this significant milestone is approached with the utmost professionalism and care.


To be among the best agents and counsellors in student educational support services for studies abroad.


To build a practical and friendly Study Abroad company for students yearning to pursue education abroad.

Our Values

Service, Integrity, Excellence, and Ambitious.


Why study Abroad?

Studying abroad offers students internationally recognised qualifications, a global perspective, cultural exposure, different language skills, personal growth, career opportunities, networking, and the chance to work while studying. It also provides exciting travel and adventure opportunities.

Can I complain if unhappy and how do I do this?

We hope our service will meet your expectations but if we fall short, yes you can raise a complaint. This is detailed in a complaints policy document, which can be provided upon request.

Can I cancel my course and the process mid-way?

While it’s perfectly fine to cancel or change your mind, the implications of doing so largely depend on how far you’ve progressed in the process. Cancellation could potentially result in a loss of some or all of the money already paid. Therefore, each situation will be handled based on its specific circumstances.

Can I arrive once the semester has started?

Most educational institutions have strict deadlines and start dates for the courses they offer. This is to ensure all students receive a fair and equal service and are not disadvantaged by any time lost due to late enrolment. Therefore, it is always advisable for students to adhere to these timelines.

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